The season on river ships usually starts in the spring and usually lasts about 9 months.
In the spring, the most interesting European destinations are along the Rhine, Main, and Danube. It is important to keep in mind that the water level, which changes during the year, might affect the start of the season. If the water level is too low, the river ship will not be able to sail. Although river ships are designed to operate in shallow rivers, if the water drops to a certain level, it will not be safe for passengers to continue traveling. The same happens when the water level is too high.
In addition to the regular season, some companies also have a winter season. The winter season is specific for taking place during the New Year and Christmas holidays. It starts in November and ends at the end of January.
How long the season will last in your case is individual and depends on several factors: The boarding date you receive, capacity occupancy for guests, river water levels, the company’s decision whether in addition to the regular season, there will be a winter season, etc.
Veliko je zadovoljstvo biti Vaš partner na putu do zaposlenja.
S obzirom da nam je jako nam je važno da smo dostupni za sva Vaša pitanja i nedoumice, ali i svesni činjenice da zapošljavanje u inostranstvu zahteva kvalitetnu pripremu i obradu velikog broja dokumenata, doneta je odluka da će telefonski pozivi ka Feron Agenciji biti mogući u izmenjenom terminu, odnosno svim radnim danima u periodu od 11-17h.
Hvala na razumevanju.