Why did you first apply for a job on a ship?
My first priority was money, meeting new people, and visiting Europe.
What was the most difficult thing for you when you started working on a ship?
Personally, the hardest thing for me is being separated from my family.
What are the advantages of working on a river ship?
I got the opportunity to meet good people and make friends. Also, I visited almost all major European cities.
What challenges did you face on a daily basis?
Sharing a cabin with someone I saw for the first time in my life was a challenge for me.
What advice would you give to the people who go on a ship for the first time?
Be diligent and persistent in your work and remember why you came on board.
Veliko je zadovoljstvo biti Vaš partner na putu do zaposlenja.
S obzirom da nam je jako važno da smo dostupni za sva Vaša pitanja i nedoumice, ali i svesni činjenice da zapošljavanje u inostranstvu zahteva kvalitetnu pripremu i obradu velikog broja dokumenata, doneta je odluka da će telefonski pozivi ka Feron Agenciji biti mogući u izmenjenom terminu, odnosno svim radnim danima u periodu od 11 do 17h.
Hvala na razumevanju.