The river companies we cooperate with the sail in Europe. More precisely, the rivers Rhine, Main, Danube, Mosel, Seine, etc. are in question. Of course, not all ships sail the same navigation route.
Instead of listing the cities and rivers that you will visit while working on a ship (you can see them yourself on the map), we will present some interesting events and advantages of working on ships:
1. One of the most beautiful events while working on river ships is visiting Christmas markets.
With the Christmas Tour, the river companies offer their crew a completely new way to enjoy the festive spirit of Europe. Stands full of local specialties, mulled wine, decorations, and handicrafts… and in a different place every day, are part of the reality of employees on a river boat.
2. The route “Cities of Light” is very popular. A perfectly justified name for a 12-day voyage from Paris to Prague. French wines and cuisine, cultural monuments of Europe, the romantic Rhine, golden Prague… Experience it all – at work.
3. One of the largest cities in Germany, Cologne, is a mandatory destination for river ships during navigation. As you know, Germans are known for their love of beer and large, liter mugs. However, what we learned is that Cologne is a little different. Beer, the so-called Kölsch, is served in narrow glasses with a volume of 2dl. There are many types of this beer, and it is interesting that certain river companies organize so-called “beer tasting” right in this city. Working on a riverboat has many advantages, apart from excellent pay.
4. Last, but not least, there is a route that we consider the most beautiful. It’s the most beautiful because it’s ours 🙂 Guests board in Budapest and then sail down the Danube to our capital. Belgrade, as one of the oldest cities in Europe, has so much to offer. This sailing route is a special pleasure for our workers because they have a chance to be at home often.
Veliko je zadovoljstvo biti Vaš partner na putu do zaposlenja.
S obzirom da nam je jako važno da smo dostupni za sva Vaša pitanja i nedoumice, ali i svesni činjenice da zapošljavanje u inostranstvu zahteva kvalitetnu pripremu i obradu velikog broja dokumenata, doneta je odluka da će telefonski pozivi ka Feron Agenciji biti mogući u izmenjenom terminu, odnosno svim radnim danima u periodu od 11 do 17h.
Hvala na razumevanju.