The employment process steps usually look like this:
1. CV preparation
2. Finding the right job for which you want to apply
3. Applying for a job
4. Interview with the company
5. (if the interview has a positive outcome) Signing the documentation – Work contract
6. Obtaining documentation and applying for the appropriate visa
7. Upon approval of the visa, start date agreement
8. Organization of the trip
If you are looking for a job through a professional employment agency, the agency will help you with a great number of steps and help you get through them as easily and quickly as possible. Depending on this, the process can take between 2 and 18 months, even longer in extreme cases.
Although positive experiences prevail, the search for a job abroad sometimes ends in unpleasant situations in which candidates are deceived at best, and there have been tragic cases, such as the loss of human lives or ending up in white slavery. Therefore, going to work abroad legally is crucial, and some of the professional job placement agencies can help you with that.
In Serbia, about 60 agencies have employment licenses in the country and abroad. This number varies since new agencies are being opened and some agencies have their operating licenses expiring, so that number is not constant.
It is very important that the agency has a license and all the necessary work permits. After checking the legality of the job and the agency, the next step is to prepare the documentation for the appropriate work permit/visa. Obtaining a work permit is mandatory because any work without it is “undeclared work”, which entails many negative consequences.
Promises that one can work without a visa, as well as that it can be issued in a few days, are usually false.
If you worked without the necessary permits, you could be deported if you encountered migration services, or you could be banned from re-entering the country, or rather run into much more serious problems.
The most common form of recruiting people into the human trafficking chain is through business offers and advertisements, which can be found in newspapers and unverified Internet portals, with promises of good earnings, accommodation, and the start of work in a very short time. An indicator that something is wrong can be that in such an offer only a mobile phone number or e-mail address is available.
Citizens who work illegally, mostly do so for cash benefits far below the agreed ones, without agreed working hours and other working conditions being respected. Often, there are cases of non-compliance with workers’ rights. Therefore, it is extremely important that you do not agree to work abroad without a contract and work permit. You need to be informed of the exact procedure for obtaining the necessary permits and be involved in all procedures for obtaining them.
Hiring abroad is a long-term process, so be prepared to dedicate yourself to this process so that all the steps are adequately completed and your departure to work abroad is legal.