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Ana, 34 years, Hotel Manager – ARosa

Why did you first apply for a job on a ship?

I wanted a change in my life, and a job offer on a river cruise ship appeared suddenly. I didn’t apply, it was offered to me. I accepted because I like to travel. Of course, the salary is also an important factor, which is incomparable to other jobs.

What was the most difficult thing for you when you started working on a ship?

Working with people is always a challenge. As a Hotel Manager, I am responsible for both guests and employees.

What are the advantages of working on a riverboat?

It was certainly a new experience for me because before going on the ship I had not worked in tourism. I learned a lot, which is priceless.

What challenges did you face on a daily basis?

I am “one woman in a team”. I organize my work myself, but my colleagues are very supportive. Challenges arise in the summer when the water level drops and there are changes in the itinerary. Because of this, the guests may be dissatisfied, and it is important that the situation is resolved in an adequate way and that the expectations of the guests are met.

What advice would you give to the people who go on a ship for the first time?

If you only expect fun and travel, then this is not the job for you. There is a lot of work on board, sometimes more than 8 hours. In addition to the basic job, there are also additional tasks and responsibilities, such as loading groceries and cleaning the ship after the season ends. You have to be very tolerant and flexible, because you work with different nationalities that are, of course, different from you. There is a chance for development and promotion on board, but you have to be persistent and hardworking.